Smart installations offer functionality, economy and safety.
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A smart home offers safety, comfort and economy at the same time.
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List of completed projects
Smart installations
Avtoservis Šubelj, Jarše
Cerkev Sostro, Ljubljana
Cerkev, Dob pri Domžalah
Cerkev, Tržič
Cerkev, Vir pri Domžalah
Inštitut Jožef Štefan (Peterlinov paviljon, predavalnica), Ljubljana
Kadetnica, Maribor
Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, Maribor
Meso Kamnik, Kamnik
NT Logistika, Komenda
Poslovni prostori podjetja, Tehnološki park, Ljubljana
Protect, Ljubljana
Salon Digitalija, Ljubljana
Samostan in študentski dom Sv. Ana, Koper
Stanovanje v bloku, Domžale
Stanovanje v bloku, Ljubljana
Vila, Ljubljana
Vila, Ljubljana
Vila, Radomlje
Vila, Rodica
Vila, Preserje
Zasebna hiša, Britof pri Kranju
Zasebna hiša, Radomlje
Zasebna hiša, Sostro
Zasebna hiša, Tacen
Zasebna hiša, Vrhovci
*only some of the projects are listed above
General electrical installations
Meso Kamnik d.d. : Electrical installations of high- and low current
Republic of Slovenia: Aviation Division : Electrical installations and measurements
Republic of Slovenia: Ministry of Justice : Electrical installations of boiler room
Donit Medvode : Electrical installations modification, modification of the automatic control of the incinerator and energy supply from the Sava river
EMO Celje : Modernization of the bath for zincification
Napredek d.d. : Electric installations of high- and low current for the following buildings: prodajni center Jarše, veleblagovnica Celje, Mostah pri Komendi, marketu Radomlje,...
Cleaning Plant Domžale : Electric installations for the modernization of gas consumption
Parish Vir premises : Electric installations for the boiler room and its regulation
RTV Slovenia : Electric installations and establishment of a control system for various devices